Study: South Yorkshire more susceptible to robberies during holiday season

By Published On: November 28th, 2023Tags:

Certain regions in England and Wales – among them South Yorkshire – are more susceptible to robberies during the holiday season compared to others, a recent study by Howden Insurance has revealed.

The study, which analyses police data on burglaries committed between November and December of 2020 to 2022, revealed that South Yorkshire Police had recorded the highest average number of burglaries during the period.

The South Yorkshire Police, which covers areas such as Sheffield, Doncaster, and Barnsley, recorded 6,121 break-ins, which can be rounded to 148.5 per 100,000 residents. The area also experienced a 12.31 percent increase in reported burglaries between 2020 and 2022.

This was significantly higher than the records of the second- and third-placed force, Cleveland Police (128.1) and the Metropolitan Police (110.5). West Yorkshire and Humberside join the top five areas with the highest averages over the past three years, with 107 and 97 burglaries per 100,000 residents, respectively.

Notably, the north of England is heavily represented in the top five areas for Christmas burglaries.

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings expressed concern about unsolved burglaries nationwide. He said he found it perplexing that the region experiences a significantly higher rate of residential burglaries compared to similar areas elsewhere, which was why the study was conducted.

The study helps the police analyse historical data and identify communities within the Barnsley district and the broader South Yorkshire region that have been most affected by this crime.

“A burglary is not something that just happens to us and then we move on – it is not just about losing property,” Billings said. “It feels like a violation because the place we live is an extension of ourselves, perhaps even more so during this time when we have been confined to home for such long periods.

Burglary crackdown in Barnsley

Before the study was conducted, Barnsley police had implemented measures to curb residential burglaries. The operation involved members of the Barnsley South East Neighbourhood Policing Team increasing patrols in affected areas during peak times. They also implemented supplementary undercover operations and made visits to individuals with a history of burglary offences.

The team collaborated with Barnsley Council to ensure vacant properties were under surveillance and enhance security measures at rental properties with landlords. In addition, they conducted inspections at local scrap metal dealers to identify stolen items and monitored known routes for the distribution of stolen goods.

In May, officers dedicated 176 hours to burglary patrols, resulting in the arrest of seven habitual offenders. They also conducted 60 home visits and 12 visits to individuals with a history of burglary offences.

Two months later, the force reported that burglary rates in one Barnsley neighbourhood had plummeted by more than half following a targeted crackdown. Over a six-month period, the number of home burglaries in Goldthorpe dropped from 42 per month in December 2022 to 15 in May, decreasing by a significant 64 percent.

Staying safe during festivities

The holiday season ushers in an increased risk of home break-ins as people tend to leave their homes empty during the period. It is, therefore, essential to take proactive measures to safeguard your property and belongings.

“With the Christmas shopping season in full swing throughout November and December, it is important to ensure that gifts are kept out of sight in your home, as they can serve as an enticing invitation to criminal onlookers,” said a spokesperson for Howden Industries regarding the study’s findings.

In order to safeguard your home and gifts during the upcoming holiday season, the Neighbourhood Watch recommends using “WIDE,” which stands for window locks, indoor lights on timers, double-locking doors, and external lights with sensors.

For extra protection during the holiday season, especially when you’re away from home, consider enlisting the services of reputable security companies like Marengo. They can guide you in selecting the most suitable security measures for your property, assist with their installation, and even provide regular patrols to deter potential intruders.

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