Stockport man sentenced for stealing £10,000 of jewellery from Chester home

By Published On: November 21st, 2023Tags:

A man who burgled a house on the outskirts of Chester and stole thousands of pounds of jewellery has been sentenced to four years and six months in prison.

On August 4, 42-year-old Michael Peers from Stockport forcibly entered a residence on Tarvin Road in Littleton, Chester. Upon returning home at approximately 9:00 PM, the homeowner found her back door had been damaged with a shovel, and a ground-floor window had been pried open. Damage to windows and doors was estimated to be around £2,000.

She also discovered a significant amount of jewellery and watches had been stolen, totalling an estimated value of £10,000.

Caught on CCTV

Chester police found Peers and another suspect after reviewing the property’s surveillance footage. A red VW Golf was seen arriving at the property’s entrance around 2:30 PM, shortly after the resident had left the home. Then, someone exited the vehicle and peered through the property’s gates. 

He was talking to someone through the Golf’s window before going to the hedge, where investigators discovered a gap they believed the perpetrator had used to gain entry to the property. The Golf departed but reappeared two minutes later, passing the address again.

Fifteen minutes after the man vanished through the hedge, he appeared in the footage again carrying a bag of items and returned to the A51. Soon after, the Golf was once again seen passing by the address.

Officers traced the vehicle to the residence of Dane Gregory, 40, in Stockport, who was later apprehended. He admitted being in the car but denied involvement in the burglary, claiming he was present to walk his dogs. 

However, after further investigation, he was charged with burglary of a dwelling and sentenced to five years in prison at Chester Crown Court on September 18.

Analysis of Gregory’s phone records revealed frequent communication with a number linked to the Greater Manchester Probation Service around the time of the burglary. This number was later found belonging to Peers, who was found to be in the vicinity on the day of the crime.

Following investigations, police arrested Peers in Stockport on October 9, and his mobile phone was found in a bush the next day. During questioning, he denied any involvement in the burglary. However, further investigation led to his charge of burglary of a dwelling on October 10. 

He pleaded guilty on November 8 and appeared at Chester Crown Court on November 16, receiving a sentence of four years and six months.

Fewer crimes do not equal safe

According to data site Plumplot, burglary in Chester accounts for 2.8 percent of all the reported crimes in the city. This represents England and Wales’s 18th lowest crime rate out of 99 postcode areas. However, this doesn’t mean any homes in Chester are less vulnerable to burglary. 

“Burglary is a terrifying offence,” said Detective Sergeant Stuart Needham, following Peers’ sentence.

“No one should have to come home to find the place where they should feel safe has been broken into and their belongings have been stolen. The emotional impact of this cannot be underestimated.”

With Peers behind bars, Needham hopes it would provide some “reassurance to residents in the area.” Chester police also remind residents to always double-check their doors and windows security before leaving. 

You can consider solid wood or metal doors to prevent burglars from busting through the doors. Meanwhile, installing window bars, shatter-resistant glass, or polycarbonate shields on your windows can deter burglars from breaking in the windows. If you own multiple high-value items, ensure they are out of sight, especially from the window.

If you reside in a high-value home or own various high-value items, consider enlisting the expertise of security companies like Marengo, which can create customised security plans catering to your home’s needs and vulnerabilities as well as enhance its security. 

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