London’s crime statistics offer a clear perspective on safety

By Published On: October 23rd, 2023Tags:

In a global context, London is definitely not the most dangerous city in the world. With a crime index of 53.8 and a safety index of 46.2, London has a rather moderate crime level compared to other major cities worldwide. Even so, the number of harmful crimes in our capital is a matter of concern for Londoners. 

Crime statistics are often skewed by the time it takes the police and courts to adminsitrate them, and by the numbers of people living or working in different areas. For example, concentrated shopping areas are much more likely to have higher shoplifting statistics than peripheral residential areas. It is also worth noting that areas with most crime do not directly translate into the most dangerous areas. However, using crime statistics alone, which London boroughs experience the most and least crime?

Boroughs with most crime

When looking at borough-specific crime rates, the City of London is the most dangerous, with a 762 percent higher crime rate than the London average. Trailing closely behind are Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea, with crime rates at 213 percent and 39 percent, respectively.

Camden and Islington also make it into the top five most ‘dangerous’ boroughs, with 39 percent and 22 percent higher crime rates than the London average. Southwark and Hackney follow closely, with crime rates that surpass the London average by 14 percent.

Hammersmith and Fulham, Haringey, and Lambeth round out London’s top ten high-crime boroughs. Their crime rates are 12 percent, 11 percent, and 8 percent higher than the London average.

Residents and visitors in these areas specifically should take proactive safety measures. While some people do so, the majority only consider implementing additional security once they have been targeted. Such reactive stances on security are better than nothing, but much like insurance, we should be reviewing security routinely and impelmenting additional security where necessary.

Marengo supports individuals and businesses to review their security proactively, and advises on the best strategies to adopt given their profile and the threat environment. Recent trends show that HNW clients, who are more likely to be targeted as a result of their wealth, are increasingly requesting support from our close protection officers (CPOs) and residential security guards to protect them, their families, and their properties. 

Boroughs with least crime

Several London boroughs boast lower crime rates compared to the city-wide average. Harrow and Richmond upon Thames are named the safest boroughs, as both have a 37 percent higher safety rate than the London average.

Bexley boasts a remarkable 33 percent reduction in its crime rate. Sutton follows closely, demonstrating a commendable 32 percent decrease in criminal incidents. Kingston upon Thames maintains a security level 31 percent higher than the London average. 

Merton, Bromley, Barnet, Wandsworth, and Havering have seen a 29, 28, 27, 24, and 23 percent decrease in overrall crime in the last year of recorded data. 

Marengo helps clients understand the latest crime trends in their areas, or areas in which they are looking to buy. This allows them to implement a propeortional level of security in response.This information is particularly valuable for newcomers to London or those unfamiliar with the city’s crime landscape. We support people and organisations in taking a proactive security stance, mitigating a range of problems before they occur. 


Sources: percent20crime percent20rate percent20in percent20London,crimes percent20reported percent20in percent20the percent20region percent20of percent20Crime percent20in percent20London percent202023&text=The percent20most percent20frequently percent20reported percent20crime,for percent2028.19 percent25 percent20of percent20total percent20crimes percent20were percent20112 percent20homicides percent20recorded,17 percent2C percent20when percent20there percent20were percent20107

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