Bury police warns resident to reassess home security following a string of burglaries

By Published On: December 20th, 2023Tags: , ,

Residents of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury received a cautionary alert from the police following a series of incidents on Sunday. Two burglaries occurred, along with an attempted break-in, raising concerns in the North Manor area, including Hawkshaw, Greenmount, Holcombe Brook, Summerseat, Walmersley and Nangreaves.

In light of these crimes, authorities urged residents to reassess their security measures, especially those leaving their homes during the Christmas holidays. A Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) will distribute vibration sensor alarms and crime prevention materials to select residents over the next few days.

Police are also encouraging residents to report any suspicious activities in their vicinity and reach out if they have any questions.

“Please review your home security, ensuring your windows are locked, and consider investing in anti-snap locks for your doors to reduce the risk of being burgled,” said a spokesperson from the Greater Manchester Police.

“Any leads will be investigated by our dedicated Neighbourhood Crime Team.”

Burglary may not be the top crime concern in Bury. However, recent research by the Local Government Association (LGA) revealed an uptick in overall recorded crimes.

In the twelve months leading to the end of 2023 Q2, Bury reported 110.39 crimes per 1,000 people, a slight increase from the previous equivalent period’s 108.15 crimes per 1,000 people. This is equal to a total of 21,483 recorded offences (excluding fraud) over the past year in Bury.

From this total, there were only 693 recorded residential burglary offences within this period. This amounted to 3.56 crimes per 1,000 people, positioning the borough at 107 out of 153 among All English single-tier and county councils. The City of London reported the lowest rate at 0.74 crimes per 1,000 people, while Middlesbrough had the highest at 6.41 crimes per 1,000 people.

One of the police’s efforts to combat neighbourhood offences, including burglary, is Operation Acquire, a four-day action spanning across November and December 2023. This was the operation’s third sequence of action after November and December last year, as well as June and July this year.

“We have seen huge successes in the reduction of neighbourhood crime when officers take part in Operation Acquire,” said Chief Superintendent Ian Jones from GMP’s Wigan district.”

“We will continue to be very visible in your community. We want you to be reassured that we are present, patrolling areas, conducting warrants and focusing offenders that are attacking you, your family and your home.”

Tips from the police

Greater Manchester Police issued various security recommendations for residents to safeguard their homes during the holiday season.

First, always close and lock all doors and windows, even when you leave home for short periods. Consider double-locking doors for added security and keep valuables out of sight to deter theft.

Be cautious about leaving handbags near openings like letterboxes. Conceal keys, including car keys, to prevent potential theft through narrow openings. If you own a keyless entry car, keep the key in a signal-blocking pouch.

Draw your curtains and leave the lights on during the evening to create an impression of occupancy. If you have to be away for an extended period, use timer devices for lights or motion-detecting lights. Do not post your travel plans on social media to prevent broadcasting your absence.

Engage a trusted neighbour to monitor your property or consider joining a Neighbourhood or Resident Watch Scheme for an added layer of precaution. If possible, request your next-door neighbours to close curtains after sunset and use your driveway for parking to maintain an appearance of activity at your home.

Cancel newspaper and milk deliveries, as these can signal an empty house. To avoid packages being left outside for extended periods, consider having a family member pick them up.

Lastly, consider enlisting the help of security consultants such as Marengo. They can provide tailored security plans inclusive of thorough measures and security personnel to protect your home throughout the holiday.




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