Police issue urgent warning amid surge in car thefts

By Published On: January 5th, 2024Tags: ,
Man In Black T Shirt Standing Beside Blue Car During Nighttime

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Avon and Somerset Police are cautioning motorists following a surge in car theft incidents, prompting heightened vigilance among residents.

The warning comes in response to a series of break-ins where thieves target homes to pilfer car keys and subsequently make off with the stolen vehicles.

“We’ve seen a recent increase in burglary of all types with almost one a day this month in each of our neighbourhood policing areas,” said a police spokesperson in December 2023.

National data highlights the severity of the issue in recent years. According to research conducted by Direct Line Motor Insurance, nearly 200,000 thefts from vehicles were reported to the police in the UK in 2022. This figure translates to an average of 540 incidents daily, reflecting an 8 percent increase from the 2021 figures, which stood at 181,936 thefts.

Avon and Somerset experienced the most significant annual surge in vehicle thefts, witnessing a staggering 48 percent increase in reported incidents between 2021 and 2022. Warwickshire and Northumbria followed with year-of-year changes of 43 percent and 34 percent, respectively.

In response to the escalating car theft incidents, vulnerable victims are being offered support through the Be Home Safe home security team. The local Neighbourhood Watch is actively sharing information within the community, while neighbourhood officers are conducting follow-up visits to ensure residents receive the necessary assistance.

A specialised team of investigators is also working on all leads. Meanwhile, residents are urged to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity promptly.

“Everyone can contribute to keeping their neighbourhood safe by reporting suspicious incidents,” said the police officers.

“If you see someone acting suspiciously around a neighbour’s property, call police straight away. If they’re obviously breaking in, ring 999. Otherwise, call the non-emergency number 101: operators are on hand 24/7.”

Strategic response to car theft

The changing landscape of car theft is a major concern for law enforcement. Presently, modern car thieves often operate in organised gangs, targeting vehicles, bikes, motorhomes, or trucks. This evolution in criminal tactics requires a multifaceted approach to combat the issue effectively.

In response to this alarming trend, companies like Marengo are adopting advanced security measures, such as covert surveillance, to counteract car thefts and support investigations through collaboration with various entities, including law firms, housing associations, property developers, corporate clients, and local authorities.

Simultaneously, advancements in technology provide significant opportunities to restrain the rising tide of vehicle thefts. Vehicle manufacturers continually enhance anti-theft systems, incorporating features like immobilisers, GPS tracking devices, and encrypted key codes. 

The integration of these technologies with law enforcement databases can provide authorities with immediate alerts, aiding in the swift recovery of stolen vehicles and apprehension of perpetrators.

In terms of prevention, the police further recommend securing homes by locking up and setting alarms after dark and when leaving. Essential safety measures include avoiding leaving keys in the lock or within view of letterboxes or windows, fitting letterbox cages, hiding car keys securely, and installing security lighting. The use of Faraday pouches for car keys is also highly recommended.

Car key Faraday pouches are small bags designed to block your car keys’ radio signals from reaching the outside world. This is achieved through the use of materials that block electromagnetic fields. When your key is inside the pouch, it prevents thieves from amplifying the key’s signal to unlock and steal your car, a technique known as “relay theft.” By blocking the signal, the pouch ensures that your key can’t communicate with your car unless it’s taken out of the pouch, offering a layer of protection against this type of vehicle theft.

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