Burglar jailed for 23 years after breaking in, stabbing elderly residents

By Published On: November 20th, 2023Tags:


A burglar who broke into a home in Henfield Common South and stabbed its 90-year-old resident on February 4 has been jailed for 23 years.

The 24-year-old Lee Ti

dy gained entry to the property through a first-floor window, where he encountered a 90-year-old resident who heard him enter.

In a tussle, Tidy tackled the pensioner to the floor and stabbed him in the neck. Despite sustaining a grave injury, the elderly man managed to throw Tidy to the ground and shout for help. A second occupant, a 61-year-old man, rushed to the scene but was also stabbed in the neck by Tidy.

Tidy of North Mead, Henfield escaped through a conservatory window, injuring his hand and leaving a blood trail. He took car keys from the house and was later found covered in blood with a bandaged hand and some cannabis in a property linked to him.

Sussex Police then apprehended the suspect and charged him with attempted murder, causing grievous bodily harm with intent, aggravated burglary, and possession of a Class B controlled substance (cannabis).

“Due to the brave actions of both victims, they managed to call police and distance themselves from Tidy, who was soon apprehended by police officers with injuries linking him to the crime scene,” said Detective Sergeant Jordan Holmes. 

“Both victims thankfully made a full recovery from the injuries they sustained.”

Following a trial at Lewes Crown Court on August 25, Tidy was found guilty of all charges. On November 9, he was sentenced to 23 years in prison, requiring him to serve at least two-thirds of the sentence before becoming eligible for parole. 

According to reports, Tidy attempted to distort the truth during his hearing and denied any responsibility for the events of that night. However, the jury was able to discern the truth amidst the false accounts, giving Tidy a significant custodial sentence to prevent him from causing further harm.

Sussex crime outlook

Official statistics from the Home Office revealed an eight percent increase in the number of crimes recorded by Sussex Police between March 2022 and March 2023.

The county also recorded nearly 130,000 crimes during the period, a notable increase from the 120,000 recorded the previous year. The most prevalent crime category was violence against the person, which covers a broad spectrum of offences ranging from murder to harassment, as well as grievous and actual bodily harm. 

According to Plumplot, burglary crime accounts for 3.6 percent of all crimes reported in Sussex as of October 2023. The number is slightly lower in East Sussex, as burglary crime accounts for 3.2 percent of all reported offences.

While burglaries may not be a widespread concern in Sussex compared to some other crimes, the recent case of Lee Tidy highlights the importance of home security measures, particularly windows. 

Sussex Police has provided valuable tips to prevent burglars from breaking into your property through the window.

For easily accessible windows, such as those on ground floors, consider installing laminated glass or security film to deter prying eyes. Sash locks can also be installed to prevent burglars from gaining entry through open windows. 

Key-operated locks are strongly recommended for outward-opening windows, especially those on ground floors. Ensure all window locks are engaged before leaving home or bed to maximise security. 

When replacing windows, opt for security-accredited products that meet British standards and are insurance-approved, such as PAS 24 2022. Consult a Master Locksmiths Association locksmith for expert advice on window lock selection and security upgrades.

You can also hire the help of security companies like Marengo that can create tailored security plans for your windows and the rest of your property.

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