Burglar-proofing mansions and private properties with effective deterrents

By Published On: October 20th, 2023Tags:

Over the course of just one year, from 2022 to 2023, England and Wales experienced 191,490 home burglaries, averaging a concerning 525 break-ins per day. This means that a home in the UK falls victim to a burglary every 165 seconds, painting a stark picture of the security challenges property owners face.

There are many names to call these property crimes — home invasion, burglary, breaking and entering, or break-ins. Even so, they all share a common trait of coming with a steep personal cost for devastated homeowners. 

It is disheartening to acknowledge how easily personal residences, especially mansions and luxury homes which are supposed to be safe abodes, can become targets for criminals. While double-locking every door and having robust security measures are paramount, finding out what aspects of our homes may deter potential break-ins is also vital.

What former burglars say

A panel of former criminals reveals in a The Guardian article that CCTV cameras and barking dogs are the most effective deterrents against home burglaries. These insights come from consulting 12 ex-burglars, almost half who asserted that burglars tend to be opportunistic. This means they tend to avoid break-ins likely to attract attention.

In their ranking of deterrence, CCTV cameras took the top spot, followed closely by loud barking dogs, robust doors, the presence of an active T.V., and locked UPVC windows. Surprisingly, burglar alarms ranked a lowly 13th on their list of deterrents.

Former burglars also acknowledged that street lighting, an active alarm, and the presence of a vehicle in a driveway deterred them from breaking into or stealing cars.

Several homeowners who have been robbed before admitted that they shared vacation photos online, inadvertently advertising their empty homes. 

Notably, former England and Chelsea footballer John Terry experienced a £400,000 theft from his £5 million mansion. This occurred after he posted pictures of his ski holiday on social media, which attracted burglars’ attention. 

Former bank robber Noel “Razor” Smith mentions that bragging about holidays on social media is a dangerous practice. According to Smith, posting online photos showing luxurious residences is the same as saying “come and burgle my house.” Organised criminal groups take advantage of such online disclosures.

The panel of ex-convicts also noted that connected homes and cars were less attractive targets for them. Friendly and attentive neighbours were seen as crucial in spotting unusual behaviour by strangers, countering the myth that burglars fit a particular profile.

What law enforcement advises

UK policemen also advise homeowners to take deterrent measures seriously for the safety of their residences. Understanding how opportunistic burglars may choose their targets is crucial to ensuring a property is not one.

Burglars tend to employ various strategies to avoid detection and identification. Keeping a property visible from the street is crucial, as concealed homes allow burglars to approach undetected and hide during criminal activities. While lower fences in the front allow for clear visibility, taller ones at the rear and sides prevent easy access. 

Additionally, trellis, thorny plants, and anti-climb toppings like plastic spikes create barriers. Planting prickly shrubbery along boundaries is a natural deterrent, and gravel driveways ensure you hear footsteps approaching.

To fortify personal residences against burglaries, homeowners may consider several measures advised directly by UK law enforcement.  Installing surveillance cameras or CCTVs is the first, most crucial step, as these provide visual deterrence and evidence collection.

Second, audible alarms can alert both homeowners and their neighbours to potential intrusions. Furthermore, well-lit exteriors discourage burglars from lurking in the shadows.

Ensuring security becomes even more of a priority for homes and mansions in high-end residency complexes. Burglars are very likely to target such sophisticated locations due to the possibility of more valuables inside. Employing the services of trained security personnel 24/7 can provide peace of mind, such as the ones Marengo offers for the safety of your home.





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